Mobirise Website Builder
Non-disclosure conformity

Only add publicly available information. LiDAR companies usually sign many NDAs and nobody wants to get intro trouble.

Mobirise Website Builder

Only share the database with your team members. Others can contribute and get access to the full version. Each contribution enhances the value of the database.

Mobirise Website Builder

Agree that you grant a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, sublicense, and distribute your database contribution and derivative works. Agree that your contribution could be licensed on any terms in the future. This guarantees that e.g. marketing and future scientific papers based on that could be done in future without limitations.


  • We´ll send you a list of ~20 products. If there´re multiple configurations per product, please apply the following rule: 
    -- If the different configurations can be achieved by software changes, please insert the configurations in ONE row.
    -- If the different configurations can´t be achieved by software changes (e.g. different optics needed), please insert each configuration in a separate row.
  • The products may originate from one or more companies. We try to keep our list of products up to date, but can´t guarantee that this is always the case. Therefore, we kindly ask you to check the current product portfolio of the companies on your list and add the products that are missing in the list we shared with you. If some products are not longer available, please add this information to column DU.
  • Not all cells are equally important, nor relevant for the specific product. Therefore, we differentiate the following cases:
    -- Mandatory (indicated by *) & relevant/ applicable: Filled (value/ text)
    -- NOT Mandatory & relevant/ applicable: We want to encourage you to fill those also for the sake of completeness. If filled, those cells contain a value or text. Else, those cells are empty which indicates they could potentially be filled.
    -- Mandatory (indicated by *) & NOT relevant/ applicable: Please enter “N.A.” if this field does not make sense for the given sensor. If the information is just not available or unknown keep the field empty.
    -- NOT Mandatory & NOT relevant/ applicable: Please enter “N.A.” if this field does not make sense for the given sensor. If the information is just not available or unknown keep the field empty.
  • In order to guarantee some sort of standardization, many cells have a drop-down-menu. If you feel none of them is appropriate and you´d like to add something customized, please use the comment function or contact Sebastian (see details in the footer) directly.
  • Please make sure to enter all information in accordance with the unit specification in the column title. Don´t add the unit specification again in the cell.
  • There is often a "comment" column, next to a column with values. You can use it to describe further details that are relevant or interesting.
  • Please copy links as clickable hyperlinks. You can see if it is clickable by hovering over it or by the blue or black underlined format.
  • Please leave cells empty if you don´t have the information, even though they may be mandatory. There may be some cases for which there is no information available.
  • The main language of this file is English. Please insert only information that fulfils that requirement.
  • The following bullet points give you information on how to fill out the fields "Max Points/sec @ 10Hz", "Max Points/sec @ 20Hz", and "Max Points/sec (absolute possible max), single return":
    -- The value "Max Points/sec (absolute possible max), single return" is usually given in the datasheet. Make sure that the value is for single return, i.e. one point per direction.
    -- The values in "Max Points/sec @1Hz" etc. usually have to be calculated or derived from other values.
    -- Determine the finest resolution at the given framerate.
    -- Calculate the number of points per frame, e.g. with the formula Points per frame=horizontal FOV/horizontal angular resolution x vertical FOV/ vertical angular resolution
    -- Alternatively, calculate points per frame = points per layer x number of layers
    -- Check again that this resolution is possible at this framerate or other edge cases like non-uniform resolution.
    -- Then calculate the result Maxpoints per second = points per frame x framerate 
    -- Check that this is lower than the maximal value for "Points/second" from the datasheet. If this is not true, use the minimal value of both values and note it in the comments that the resolution is not possible at this framerate.
    -- Write in the comments if these if these values are calculated from FOV/resolution or could be directly taken from the datasheet.

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